Payments on development and testing environments

Add credentials

Add your PagaloGT credentials on the app .env file:


You can get the credentials Here, you need to create an account and follow some steps with PagaloGT.

Make a testing payment

The method withTestCredential() add fake data to use on testing payments, it also set internally the request to pagaloGT Sandbox that would be requested with pay() method.

use ArielMejiaDev\PagaloGT\PagaloGT;


$payment = (new PagaloGT())->add(1, 'Test transaction', 100.00)
    ->setClient('John', 'Doe', '')

The add() method

Accepts variety of params but 3 are required:

  • quantity.
  • product description.
  • price.

The setClient() method

It requires 3 params:

  • the customer name.
  • the customer lastname.
  • the customer email.

The withTestCredentials() method

It adds a defaul testing customer credentials and fake customer card, this method is necessary on development or testing environments.

The withTestCard() method

You can override the testing card data to change values on development/testing environments, it requires the same params as setCard() method:

  • name
  • cc number
  • cc month
  • cc year
  • cvc code

You can override only one or all methods as it is testing data.

The pay() method

It executes the request to sandbox or live environment wich is set, if you are using withTestCredentials() method or not.

Using the facade

Alternatively, you can make a payment using the facade:

use PagaloGT;

// ...

$payment = PagaloGT::add(1, 'Test transaction', 100.00)
    ->setClient('John', 'Doe', '')
    ->withTestCard('John Doe')

Debug response

After the pay() method you are able to use the response() method, it returns an Http Response object, so you can use different methods to get more data related to the response:

$payment->response()->body() : string;
$payment->response()->json() : array|mixed;
$payment->response()->status() : int;
$payment->response()->ok() : bool;
$payment->response()->successful() : bool;
$payment->response()->failed() : bool;
$payment->response()->serverError() : bool;
$payment->response()->clientError() : bool;
$payment->response()->header($header) : string;
$payment->response()->headers() : array;

Validate the payment process with method isSuccessful()

Of course, you would like to do something after a purchase, if it is is successful, the package adds a convinient method to validate it easily:

$payment = PagaloGT::add(1, 'Test transaction', 100.00)
    ->setClient('John', 'Doe', '')
    ->withTestCard('John Doe')

if($payment->isSuccessful()) {
    auth()->user()->notify(new ThanksForPurchaseNotification());
    return redirect()->back()->with(['success' => 'Thanks for your purchase...']);

return redirect()->back()->with(['error' => 'Whoops! something fail, the payment fail...']);

Iterating on products

Lets suppose that we have a Shopping cart with a Laravel Support collection or Eloquent collection of items, you can do something like:

$payment = new PagaloGT();

$shoppingCart->each(function($item) use($payment) {
    $payment->add($item->quantity, $item->description, $item->price)

$payment->setClient('John', 'Doe', '')

Retry the payment

The package retry 3 times the payment by default, but you can change this behavior:

setRetry() require two params, the first is the quantity of retries and the second param is the time that it would wait to retry again in seconds:

$payment = new PagaloGT();

$shoppingCart->each(function($item) use($payment) {
    $payment->add($item->quantity, $item->description, $item->price)

$payment->setClient('John', 'Doe', '')
    ->setRetry(5, 5)